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DO GOOD (#118)
Divinely inspired messages to Arman as related to H. Millard (c) 2024 |
DO GOOD (#118) Divinely inspired messages to Arman as related to H. Millard (c) 2024 All praise to God-As-He-Truly-Is who has selected White Aryans as His people to purify and evolve ever higher towards Him by following His instructions to us and by purifying our genes, our minds and our bodies. Those among us who follow His simple but Holy instructions are beloved of God-As-He-Truly-Is and He shall help them on the upward path so long as they remain true to Him. Survive, thrive, improve, expand and evolve. Our religious morals, values, beliefs and practices are given to us from God-As-He-Truly-Is not man. We must live right. We must live White. We must not sin by race mixing. Right Blood, Right Belief, Right Action mean White Blood, White Belief, White Action. 8 P's--Purify, Protect, Propagate, Persevere, Perfect, Preserve, Prevail, Pray Humans--including Whites who are the ones we care about--when left to our own devices make many very wrong decisions. Only good religion based on God-As-He-Truly-Is' laws and commands can prevent us from making harmful mistakes. Do what God-As-He-Truly-Is commands Whites to do or not do and you will always do the right things in your life. ANY RELIGION THAT DENIES THE REALITY OF RACE, DNA, GENES IS A FALSE RELIGION THAT DENIES GOD-AS-HE-TRULY-IS' CREATION OF LIVING ORGANISMS AND DOES EVIL BY PUTTING IDEAS BEFORE FLESH AND BLOOD. NOTE: Believers refer to the Supreme Being as God or as God-As-He-Truly-Is (short version GAHTI) or by similar terms. They all mean the same thing to us. There is one God and he is revealed to us as not being like false ideas of Him that are invented by man and which are found in other religions. One of the important differences between our true version of God and the false versions is that our true God has selected White people and only White people. He has caused our evolution. He is the creator of DNA, RNA, Genes, Genotypes, Genomes, race, species, etc. and is behind evolution. He wants us to live and evolve in a certain way and to be separate and isolated from all non-Whites and to never mix or mate with them, and to not deny the reality of DNA, race, etc. and to consciously expand our kind by having as many pure White children as our bodies can provide. He has sent messages to Arman. DO GOOD You are capable of doing good and you are capable of doing evil. You are often confused as to which is which. For this reason has He sent you this Guide: your minds respond to words and symbols. It is necessary for God-As-He-Truly-Is (hereafter, GAHTI or God) to enter into the affairs of the world to make corrections to the trajectory of those gone astray, but He does this reluctantly and rarely. It is for you to find the path and to stay on it, with the help of this Guide. You must avoid being deceived by the evil doers who appear not as evil doers. Know them by the falsehoods that they teach no matter how kindly they try to appear. Their ways will lead to your utter destruction, for if you follow them or believe as they believe, then GAHTI shall destroy you. They tell you that it is good to mix your blood with the blood of others and many believe this vile lie that leads to your destruction. To so mix your blood is to do the greatest sin against GAHTI that is possible. Your bodies are temples to GAHTI before all other temples. Keep them pure. Fools are they who believe that GAHTI would make physical creatures and then tell them that physical things are not important. Before you can purify yourself spiritually, you must purify yourself physically. GAHTI demands right blood as He first gave it to you when He brought you here. You have caused your blood to be impure by mating with impure beings who do not have the Essence. This has brought you low. Now, you must breed away the impurities in your blood lines by proper mating and by proper belief and proper actions in all things. To wash away the impurities in your blood lines requires the birthing of children in vast numbers. GAHTI gives you this Guide to help you see the way so that you may get back on the path. By following His reveled truths believers shall see the life spans of their lines increase. They shall also see the intelligence of their lines increase and they shall see sickness and ill health in their lines decrease. There shall come a day when ones from your lines shall be before GAHTI in good health who are 1200 years old. And, in those days, they shall not be perfect, but they shall continue to move along the path. Live your life in a good and just manner. Harm no living things save for food or to protect yourself and the faith. Struggle always to be pure and to prevail. Wear plain clothes that are comfortable and functional and which are made of His soft cotton. Pray to GAHTI at dawn as the light begins and when you feel the breeze of the new day. Especially pray to GAHTI during storms, for in the storms can you feel His presence. Do not cover up from the winds, rain and snow except as it is necessary to protect your health. Feel the natural forces on your skin. For when you feel them, you are closest to GAHTI. GAHTI is a God of movement and spinning and struggle, and He is your only God. WOMEN Women are the gatekeepers and protectors of the sacred eggs. Man and women are deceived by evil doers who come to the women and pollute and destroy their eggs. These eggs are not the possession of those who carry them any more than is the seed of men their possession. GAHTI owns these things. He put them in you to carry and protect and to combine to produce more of you. He has given you what you need so that you will be the inheritors of the Earth if you but follow His Guide. The people, deceived by evil doers, have established false laws for the birthing of children and they have set arbitrary ages for when women and men may bring forth children. These laws are false and they keep you from bringing forth the greatest number of children. Has He not said that He has set the correct age for birthing children in your bodies? Do not waste the time given you. It is a sacred duty to bring forth as many children as your bodies can provide. This is a Guide given by GAHTI to help you stay on the true path to Him and so you may live your lives in accordance with His will. Do you not know that He has established an order of things and that it is evil for the order to be challenged? Do you think that He set all in motion just so the universe and all that is in it shall remain static and sterile? He has chosen who He wishes to choose and He has enlightened those who He wishes to enlighten and He dims those who He wishes to be dimmed. He brought the light to the dark and the White to the Black not to lose the light and the White, but to have them dominate. He is the only God and He is the God of life and light and all that is right and He has invented race and White people as the latest evolution of humans. Have faith in Him and praise Him. Say, ‘God willing,” often and keep Him in your thoughts and ask Him to help you, and if He does not help you, then know that you are in His hands nevertheless and you are part of the plan that only He can understand and that His help or lack of help is the way things must be for the larger plan to work as He has ordained. TEMPLES Build temples to GAHTI and let them be places of joy and life. Let them resound with the sound of children. Do not come to His temples and treat Him as a dead God. Come with laughter and song. Come with joy and gusto and a happiness that He has invested lifeless minerals and chemicals with His life. Let a portion of the temples be open to the forces of nature for in these forces will you often feel Him. Let the temples be as wild, unkempt gardens with growing things of all manner. Let there be moss and ivy. Let there be trees of Oak and Ash and Birch where they may grow naturally and of other types where those grow naturally. Let the growing plants grow as they will in chaos and beauty and let them cover up things that have no life and imbue them with life. For He finds the wild things pleasing and He has set their trajectories. GREATEST DUTY Have He not said that bearing children is your greatest duty and you must bring forth as many as possible in as short a time as possible? Even if this makes you poor in earthly things it shall make you rich in His eyes and you shall be rewarded. Evil are those tho can do this, but who not do this. ALL ENCOMPASSING This Guide is a holy thing and is given to you so that you may use it and be guided by the truths herein. Your faith in GAHTI must be all encompassing. There is not a part of your existence that should be outside this belief. LEADERS Has He not made it plain that each of the believers has a direct and immediate relationship with Him? Right blood, right belief, right action ensure that this is so. Call up those from among you to help you so that you may have a human voice to listen to and a human ear to talk to in times of need, but do not make of these you call up something higher than yourself. They are helpers. When you speak to them, you are speaking to GAHTI, but you are not speaking through them to Him, you are speaking directly to Him. HOLIEST TIMES Know that you can feel Him in the full force of nature for He is of nature and He started nature. Welcome the storms and the seasons and the period in the early morning just before the sun rises. The time when night is just turning to day when you feel the cool wind making the hairs on the back of your neck stand up and when the domestic animals move from here to there in anticipation is sacred to Him. FALSE ONES Do not be mislead, O believers, by false prophets and leaders who come to harm you. Do not be deceived. This guide is your guide for all times and it may never be changed. It is from GAHTI, written in words so that you may easily understand. It is His way for you. Evil ones come and they say “Believers you are racists and we do not like you.” Say to them, we are believers and our beliefs are not your concern. Go from us and leave us be to worship as we wish and we shall harm you not. Go back to your false gods and your idols. Go back to worshiping humans. Go back to your evil ways and your false beliefs. You are deceived and you know it not. But, if among you there are those whose Essence is right and who feel the vibrations from God, then let him or her take up this guide and study it. Chaos is essential to order, and Essence is basic to the order. The spiral is sent by God. Evil are the humans who try to deny God’s will. They will be punished and they will be destroyed. If you do not know your ancestors you shall have no descendants and you shall be struck from the face of the earth and you shall never return. Your spirit is passed on through your pure White children and your White children’s White children down through time. PURIFICATION Seek blood purification through proper mating and seek place purification through living in places inhabited only by other people of the blood and the belief. He is God and there is no other. The best and the holiest of His people have the most children and show thereby that they understand His law that you are to multiply and dominate all of the universes that will ever exist. There is no other way to Him. THE BUTTERFLY God willing you shall take understanding from these words and not be led astray into evil and extermination. I saw a caterpillar and it was a lowly thing and I could see that if the conditions were wrong that it would always remain so until the day it dies and it would never fulfill its purpose or its destiny, and I could see that if the conditions were right; then that potential that existed within the spiral within the caterpillar would be realized and the caterpillar would transform into a butterfly; a creature so different from the caterpillar that if such did not exist in God’s reality then all would claim such a thing is not possible. And I could see other insects and crawling things gathering about the caterpillar and I could imagine that they said “Let us be as you caterpillar. Let us join your religion and live with you so that we too can be butterflies. And I could imagine the caterpillar saying "This can never be, for you lack the potential. Your spiral is different from my spiral, your essence is different from mine. The butterfly that I am to become is already within me. This I believe, but more than this, it is a physical fact that is independent of my belief. You can believe that you too possess a butterfly within you, but your belief will be as nothing, for in fact you do not have the potential." And I could imagine I heard the other insects saying “Oh, so you think that you are better that us do you? You think that your kind is better, and that we are as nothing, how dare you think such things. Are we not all insects? Are we not therefore all alike? And I could imagine that the caterpillar simply smiled to himself for was it not written that those who lacked the potential could never understand? The lack of potential was manifested in physical outward signs but it was also manifested in a peculiar turn of mind that blinded those without it to the truth so that they could not understand no matter how they tried, what the caterpillar knew instinctively. CIRCLES Gather in circles and worship GAHTI. Let there be stones all about and let the believers feel the winds, rain, snow upon their faces. Face the rising sun as He brings it up in the sky. Consecrate ground where you find yourselves with a circle all about you. Find believers and join together into circles within circles to worship for He finds this fitting. SACRED SIGNS You carry the sacred signs inside and outside. Look for them. Seek to acquire them. Improve your lines by seeking mates who will correct your deficiencies in sacred signs. Preserve your seed and your eggs through all means possible so that long after you pass you can still bear children. And make your homes and your temples places of light and joy and abundant life. GAHTI loves the places that are full of the sounds of little children and He does not like the places that are sterile and devoid of life. O, Believers, where you do not have a circle nor a temple, fear not that this shall anger Him, for you are a walking temple who bear upon you His symbols in your flesh and blood. The Shining Ones shall look for these symbols when He sends them to every man, woman and child and to every house and to every vehicle and to every dwelling or place where there are humans, and the Shining Ones shall test those with the symbols and shall remove those who falsely bear them and they shall spare all the rest when even the earth is rent asunder and none shall survive save the true believers who bear the symbols. THE VISION OF THE SERPENT Is it not told that in days of old GAHTI sent a vision to enlighten you? Do you not know that the vision was reported thus: The skies opened and I saw a winged serpent and the serpent was coiled around a sword, and the point of the sword was uppermost and then I saw that there was another serpent and he too was coiled around the sword and the sword pointed up in the sky and the sun was behind the sword, and the heads of the serpents were facing one another, and the serpents formed a pattern that represents the Essence, and the sky got red as blood and I heard a voice say unto me, ‘Look in wonder and listen, for you have the Essence, and teach others so that they may know the way to being saved from their destruction.' In the days that are long since past there were those who were cast out from the Host, and these that were cast out took with them the symbols of the Essence, they took with them the images of the serpents for they wrongly believed that they could take such things that were ancient and sacred to the Host. And these that were cast out were soft and imperfect but they did not believe that they were evil, but evil they were, for they violated the laws of their own people that GAHTI had given to them for all their days. And these that were cast out sought out the remote places peopled by the ape creatures and those that were cast out taught the ape creatures, and lived with them and mated with them and in such things were they evil and they angered GAHTI. And those who were pure and who heeded His laws saw and knew that such things were an abomination and they also saw that what was bad for those of the Essence was good for the ape creatures, but the pure ones did not waiver for an eye blink for they knew His law was just and right and they were not confused as to what was right and wrong, but they knew that anything that harmed the Essence directly or indirectly or anything that even had the potential of harming the Essence was evil. It mattered not that the ape creatures were uplifted with the blood of the people of the Essence though those who had been cast out argued that they were the compassionate ones and that they had stopped much suffering of the ape creatures and improved their lot. But those who were pure, rightly said, ‘You actions in attempting to raise up the ape creatures will harm the Essence in years to come and it will infect us all so that we will no longer please God. You have been shortsighted in what you have done and the harm you have done will hurt your own people, and the pollution that you have allowed is evil and it will spread so that we will all be brought low. And the fallen ones falsely said ‘How can such creatures hurt us, we can all live together in peace and all will be happy.’ And, the pure ones replied ‘Fools, it can never be so. By thinking such nonsense, you show that you are imperfect and deranged. You show compassion for creatures who do not share your blood while turning your backs on those who do share your blood. This brings darkness to light. This is not the way of the sane. You are madmen and you seek to have the ape creatures worship you, for in your insanity you need such things. You wish to be as gods to the ape creatures. In the years to come you will be remembered in the legends of the ape creatures as god men, but among those of the Essence you will be despised as the evil and vile creatures that you truly are. Your actions have caused great harm to those of the Essence and you have disobeyed GAHTI who has given you the ability to choose right from wrong. You chose unwisely. The people of the Essence will spend countless centuries trying to overcome the great harm that you have wrought, but know this, you evil ones, the truth will be a light and a beacon to the world and when the time is right it will be told, and when it is told, GAHTI willing, the false cults that have sprung up around you and death will fall and the true religion of the people of the Essence will live and the trajectory will be corrected. The infection that you have brought to the people of the Essence will be fought and the people of the Essence will one day be free of your infections and they will be free once again which is their true destiny so that they may all know GAHTI individually and feel His presence within them and hear Him speak directly to them as so few can now hear because of the pollution that has befouled the Essence. From the slime and the dirt that you have caused to spread will arise the new people of the Essence, and they will be unsmiling and they will be cruel to all that you have done, and they will come not as beggars, but as a mighty Host to slay all that are evil in the sight of GAHTI. # # # |
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